Hemsby Primary School’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a friendly group that plays an important role in school life. We promote closer links between school staff and the families of the children who attend the school. We engage in lots of fundraising to pay for activities, facilities and equipment which would not normally be covered by the budgets provided by the local authority.

If you are the parent or guardian of a child at Hemsby Primary School, you are automatically a member of our PTA. You are welcome to attend any of our committee meetings – they are open to everyone and will always be advertised to you via tapestry, Class Dojo or school newsletters. You can also find out more information on our Hemsby Primary School PTA Facebook group where we share events and news so please join our page to keep up to date!

What does the Parent Teacher Association do?

Throughout a school year, we organise a wide variety of events and activities that connect the school to the community while at the same time raising funds for the school. These normally include school fetes, cake sales, raffles and school discos among others.

Hemsby Primary School PTA is a member of Parentkind and takes advantage of the range of benefits on offer from this organisation.

How are our funds allocated?

All expenditure is approved by vote at a committee meeting. In the past, funds raised by the PTA have been spent on new musical instruments and playground equipment as well as subsidising school trips and funding special events.

How can you help?

We normally meet once every half term and we’d love it if you’d like to join us, either as a one-off or on a regular basis. You don’t need to be on the committee to join our meetings. Please come and share your ideas or feedback on the PTA’s activities and priorities.

The committee consists of a chair, treasurer and secretary who are elected annually by those who attend the AGM. We have teacher representatives at every meeting and are working on becoming a registered charity.

If meetings aren’t your thing, that’s fine too! We are always on the lookout for parents and carers who can spare a little time to help out at any of our events over the course of the year. If you’d like more information or to join our list of willing helpers, please get in contact.

Get in contact with us

Email: PTA@hemsby.norfolk.sch.uk

Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/969789823765750

Chairperson: Stacey Chryssafi

Secretary: Lauren Gates

Treasurer: Kim Pearson

Our Parent Teacher Association meeting minutes can be viewed below.

March 2023 Meeting Minutes

November 2022 Meeting Minutes

May 2022 Meeting Minutes

January 2022 Meeting Minutes